Saturday, April 30, 2016

Money, Frugality and Stewardship

By Fran Lee Strickland @FranLStrickland

I like to generate posts that “entertain, encourage and inspire” so this month I want to offer encouragement as well as information on the subject of money. Not only do most of us need encouragement with money, we need information on how to make it, spend it wisely, invest for the future, and how to manage debt or avoid debt all together.

Since so many blogs are established on the subject already, there is no need for me to re-create the wheel so to speak, so I’m going to point you to other blogs that are already well written, well researched, and speak to everything from saving money to earning to sharing, all important aspects of the medium we use to barter for goods and services.

Like I said, there are hundreds of blogs on everything finance, both secular and faith based. So that you do not become overwhelmed, I have chosen five that I like because of their content, appearance, and simplicity. Four of them are faith based. I personally believe you just can’t beat biblical wisdom for money management because I have witnessed these principles work well in the lives of those who practice them. I’m still, even at my age, working to incorporate faith based tithing, saving, and debt management into my own life.  If I had heeded these truths early on in life, I would be financially sound now. But, it’s never too late to start! I believe if you are breathing, there is always hope.

  • One of my favorite blogs on all things finance is Wisebread, Living Large on a Small Budget. There are articles about frugal living, budgeting, travel, entrepreneurship, making extra money, investing, and the list goes on. This is a secular blog with access to the Money Tips Network that seeks to provide informative money tips from trusted personal finance blogs of which Wisebread is one.

  • Another good resource for money management is Dave Ramsey. He is well known for the Debt Snowball Plan for getting out of debt. His website hosts several good articles as well as financial tools. He is also the author of the popular book, The Total Money Makeover. His is a rags to riches, back to rags, then back to riches story. I always figure if someone has been there, done that, and then gained control their advice is probably worth heeding.

  • I discovered the blog, The Frugal Girl, when I was researching stewardship of all resources, not just money and found a post directed to Christians about environmentalism. You can read it here: Dear Christians: It's Ok To Care About the Earth. I agree with Kristen that we should be very conscious of preserving the earth for future generations. Kristen also blogs about “wise spending, DIY, contentment and simplicity.”

  • I came across the next blog when I was looking for ideas of how to make extra money. The article I found can be read here: 50 Ways To Make Money. I really like the idea of roasting and selling coffee! The website for Bible Money Matters has a pop up that invites you to subscribe to its email. By doing so, you are notified when a new post is uploaded to the site. Otherwise, click through the pop up, and you have access to many well-written posts concerning all things money.

  • The site SeedTime Christian Personal Finance caught my attention because of the free finance lessons via email. I signed up for the Investing Basics Course. Immediately, I received an email with a checklist for the course which includes subjects from 5 Traditional and 5 Non-traditional Ways to Invest Your Money to information on Roth IRAs to Investing in Your Beliefs. The lesson titles intrigue me and I look forward to receiving the daily teachings. I also received an email outlining some lessons for purchase if I want to pursue further study in other areas.

My hope is that whether you are struggling financially, simply wondering how to make a little extra money, or seeking information on how to save for retirement, you will find encouragement and answers in the blogs I have shared. Be sure to look for my next post that will highlight a man whose life story forever changed the way I view my relationship with money and strengthened my belief that God can and will provide.

Before you go, I would love to hear from you. Did any of these resources provide guidance that was new information and did you find encouragement to help you become your own successful money manager?


  1. Fran, what a thoughtful and wise article! Bless you. I am sharing it on Twitter.
    Elva Cobb Martin

  2. Elva, thank you for sharing! It seems money is always on most people's minds, so I thought I would provide some resources that have been beneficial to me.


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